After we both survived the flu, we finally got to meet our little one again during our delayed 20-week checkup. At 21 weeks, 3 days, the baby's measurements are right on track. Baby Shirley is 15 ounces with 150 heartbeats per minute. In the spirit of preserving one of life's greatest surprises, we chose not to find out the sex.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It's a Boy...or a Girl!
After we both survived the flu, we finally got to meet our little one again during our delayed 20-week checkup. At 21 weeks, 3 days, the baby's measurements are right on track. Baby Shirley is 15 ounces with 150 heartbeats per minute. In the spirit of preserving one of life's greatest surprises, we chose not to find out the sex.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
One Shirley Stronger...
On August 29, William (Liam) Harper Shirley was born. As proud papa Casey says, "The world is one Shirley stronger." Be patient, Liam; your first cousin will be here soon!
On September 9, Jesse and I celebrated our third year wedding anniversary (and our seventh year first date anniversary). We vacationed in Orlando and went to Universal Studios, waded in the ocean in Ft. Lauderdale, and took our first cruise to the Bahamas. Good times, but we have a feeling this will be the last vacation we take for a long time!
Then, pop! I've got a baby bump! We are 16 weeks, 3 days; Baby Shirley's heart rate is in the 150 range. We can't wait for the 20-week checkup because we get another ultrasound to see Baby Shirley! We will not find out the sex of the baby or reveal any names, so stay tuned for surprises due around February 27, 2010!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
It's Official...
Our last appointment was yesterday; no pictures to share this time. Baby Shirley is doing great with a heart rate of 153 beats per minute.
So far, I've gained three pounds. Most clothing still fits (with the exception of a couple pairs of jeans that must be worn unbuttoned). The queasiness and exhaustion have subsided for now, and my appetite is growing. Most days I don't "feel" pregnant, but every now and again, I have the strangest sensations in my abdomen area. It's sort of like a stretching feeling or mild cramps, as if I can literally feel the area growing. Don't worry; the doctor said this is normal!
Jesse says he can tell my belly button has changed. How observant! I'm guessing this is a sign that I'll "pop" any day now!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Bust a Move...
Baby Shirley received his/her first gift—a sock monkey named Jojo from Grandpa Rusty and Grandma Cindy Lou! We know the baby will love his/her new friend.
Baby Shirley is right on track. He/she is 10 weeks, 4 days old. His/her heartbeat rate is 174 beats per minute. We can't believe how much he/she has grown in only two weeks!
Likes to Groove
Ultrasound August 5, 2009
Then, we sat in awe as we watched our baby bust a move! It was amazing! One second he/she had his/her head on one side, and then he/she completely flipped to the other side. He/she wiggled around so much—maybe he/she inherited Jesse's comedic performance or my dancing skills!?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Our Little Gummi Bear...
Today, we had our second ultrasound. Again, we were counting down the days until we could see our baby. In the full body ultrasound, Baby Shirley's head is near the yolk sac with little arm buds sprouting below. As Jesse says, Baby Shirley has a Cabbage Patch doll's head with a gummi bear's body.

Full Body Ultrasound July 22, 2009
From head to hiney, Baby Shirley measures 1.94 cm.

Measurements Ultrasound July 22, 2009
Then, the most amazing thing happened. We could hear the heartbeat! Words cannot describe the overwhelming emotions and the instant unconditional love that comes from hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
Heartbeat Ultrasound July 22, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Just the Beginning...
First Ultrasound July 8, 2009