Tuesday, September 15, 2009

One Shirley Stronger...

The past few weeks have been exceptionally eventful!

On August 29, William (Liam) Harper Shirley was born. As proud papa Casey says, "The world is one Shirley stronger." Be patient, Liam; your first cousin will be here soon!

Adorable Liam

On September 9, Jesse and I celebrated our third year wedding anniversary (and our seventh year first date anniversary). We vacationed in Orlando and went to Universal Studios, waded in the ocean in Ft. Lauderdale, and took our first cruise to the Bahamas. Good times, but we have a feeling this will be the last vacation we take for a long time!

Departing from the Bahamas

Then, pop! I've got a baby bump! We are 16 weeks, 3 days; Baby Shirley's heart rate is in the 150 range. We can't wait for the 20-week checkup because we get another ultrasound to see Baby Shirley! We will not find out the sex of the baby or reveal any names, so stay tuned for surprises due around February 27, 2010!

1 comment:

  1. February 27 is my birthday!!! I hope that he/she comes out happy and healthy and beautiful just like his/her mommy!! Jennifer Finn
